Start using solar or wind–generated electricity on your property today with our Power Series line of pre–built systems. They provide clean, renewable energy straight to your remote home in Spain. Off grid solar systems do not require mains electricity.
Remote Power Series systems are designed and priced to make the benefits of home-generated power easy and cost–effective to implement. Utilising state–of–the–art system components installed exclusively by our network of certified installation technicians.
Solar Powered systems are ideally suited for providing electric power to remote homes. The remote power series makes home-generated power easy and cost-effective, whilst helping reduce your carbon footprint
An off grid solar system is designed to provide power independently of the grid, this is done by installing Solar Power modules that absorb the sunlight and convert it to electric power, this power is then regulated and supplied to a set of Heavy-duty cycle Solar batteries( specially designed to store large quantities of electric power and deliver the same power on demand). Electric power produced by the sun is stored in the batteries until it is required when needed this power is then converted by a device called an inverter which changes the electric power to the same type of power used to run Washing machines, TV and power lights etc. Solar power is an unlimited source of energy and is only restricted by the capacity of your installation, the larger the installation the more power you can collect and store from the sun for your use.
Even with the abundant sun in Spain, there are times when the sun doesn’t provide enough Solar Energy which could mean a lack of power, this is overcome by the integration of an auxiliary power source such as an electric generator, most modern systems today have a diesel generator installed for fully automatic operation With user input usually being only the addition of fuel and routine service of the Diesel engine. It is important to remember with Solar Systems and solar off grid systems that you only get out what you put in, Meaning if you only have a few Solar modules and small capacity batteries you may not be able to collect and store sufficient power for your needs. It is important that any system you consider is correctly sized for your power requirements. Solar Sky can visit and offer free advice on the type and size of equipment needed for the home.
PV Modules ( 1500Watts), Solar Charge Controller, Pure Sine wave inverter 3KVA, Heavy Duty Solar batteries 350AH,
Suitable for small properties with 2/3 bedrooms, Designed for homeowners who are energy conscious, A Generator would be required for use Heavier duty appliances) From 4,999€ inc IVA*
PV Modules ( 2000Watts) Solar Charge controller 3KVA Pure Sine wave Inverter Charger, Heavy duty deep cycle Solar batteries 600AH
Suitable for smaInstallation, commissioning and delivery charges Suitable for Small/medium-sized properties 3 bedrooms, (Auxiliary support generator required for use Heavier duty appliances). From 7,500€ inc IVA*
PV Modules (2250 watts) Solar charge controller, Mounting frameworks
Sine wave Inverter charger 5KVA, Heavy duty Solar Batteries 900AH
Installation, Commissioning and delivery charges Suitable for larger properties, ( Auxiliary power supply may be needed for High power appliances) From 7,500€ inc IVA*
Solar Sky is an independent installer of quality solar energy systems, Our engineers are fully qualified and certified to install Solar and Electrical installations in Spain.
We offer free advice and home visits to explain Solar Power and assist you in choosing the right solar solution for you.